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Just another dude, makin his way through the world

Rev it up and let the posts roll

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
8:36 AM

Holy bejeebus.
Ladies and Gents. The dude yesterday was so freakin furious that he almost
did i dont freakin know what!!!!
and no it's not about some a-hole driver!

its time that i let some steam out about work.

alright, here's the deal:

so i've been employed at the bloody ministry (only temporary!!) for exactly a year now, since march last year.

let me be frank here, the only reason i'm even working here is that because supposedly after 2 years of "excellent" evaluation they will offer you a scholarship.

of course when I arrived here, it took them over 4 months to give me my own room to work in, and that had only a bunch of chairs and a table.
At any other job this would be fine i guess, but for my job I need bloody materials to work with...
certain kinds of toys, flash cards, prints, and even devices which until now I don't have.

not to mention the hideous carpet, which looked like someone spewed ink on it or something. just disgusting.

Of course me being all excited, and wanting to be productive, bought out of my own money chairs, another table, 2 cabinets, a printer, and a whole bunch of toys.
That was all great, I used all of my stuff, the kids loved it, I was being productive.

And I take pride in saying that through out my work 3omry maga9art with either parents or colleagues. (ok that sounds like a resume line lol)

PLUS every week I have 2 days which i work 12 hour shifts.

yeah, I did all for a year.

so now I have 1 more year to go for the scholarship, right? .... RIGHT?!

well guess what. the freakin ministry was gonna pull a fast one on me.
yesterday the evaluations came out, and I didn't have an evaluation!

wtf? what do you mean I cannot have an evaluation? i've been here for a bloody year havent I? from march to march!!
I called them up (the evaluation department or whatever crap they are called) and I gave them
my civil number.

me: salam edarat el taqyeem?
cruella deville: ee n3m.
me: bagheet astafser 3n el taqyeem maly
cruella deville: rqm el b6aqa.
me: #########numbernumbernumber
cruella: inta malik taqyeem.
me: huh? leesh?
cruella: enta emota metwa`6ef?
me: march
cruella: el taqyeem min january le january
me: ok bas ana el7een 9arly min march to march!
cruella: el taqyeem ye6la3 fe january.
me: ya3ny 3ashan ana ma twa`6aft fe january, ma ten7isib-ley el sena elly eshtaghalt-ha?
cruella: taqreeban.


i flipped out! what the hell! it means that I'd have to work for 2 MORE YEARS to get the bloody scholarship! what a freakin joke! and after all the effort I put into this place! I got screwed over like this!
Laa ow kanow yaboon emashoon 3alay salfat enna ashte`3il overtime b3d! THE @#(*&#@S WANTED ME TO WORK MORE!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes my friends, the dude was FURIOUS, my co-workers stayed way the hell away from me. because my toleration just hit rock bottom yesterday.

Well thankfully, my boss wrote some kind of letter to see if that department would do something about it.

but omg... can you believe this shit?

ya3ny serving your country is one thing

12 skid marks